We’re back; kitchen almost done

We got back from the FGC gathering the second week in July expecting the kitchen to be done, but were disappointed to find that everything looked almost the same as before — the cabinets were in, no floor or appliances installed. The handles and knobs were now installed — they’d been working on that when we left.

After a week, we left for Münster, Germany for a two week workshop followed by a three day meeting for Jensen’s 80th birthday.

We got back last weekend. The floor tiles have been laid, the new granite countertop is in…

Here’s what I’ve tested so far: The exhaust fan runs, and its light works; the stove lights, and the stove’s clock is settable.

Of course the refrigerator still works (we kept our old one, and have been using it all along) but now it’s got cabinets around and over it. Also it’s been moved to where it sits square to the wall and the doors can open all the way. Neither of these were true before.

The sink works. I’ve snuck in and rinsed out the coffee filter using the spray hose, instead of rinsing it in the bathroom or garage. The disposal works as well; at least to the extend of dealing with the coffee grains that didn’t get knocked into the compost bucket.

So why is it still so bare? Jean won’t permit anything to be used until the floor gets sealed, which is supposed to happen (or at least start) tomorrow. After that Jean says it’s supposed to get three waxings, but I think we’ll have to do that. The painter has been in and stain the replaced trim, and we’ve talked to the cabinet guy about some minor issues.

The dumpster is supposed to be taken out of our driveway sometime today (or maybe tomorrow).

Trash bin to be removed today.

The main thing left is lighting for the counters and sink. Jean has picked something to go over the sink, where we had a fixture before. Here is the blank space…

Where Jean wants a light.

Once this has been installed, the area still needs paint. I’m thinking of putting in low voltage led lighting under the cabinets.