First Mock Orange (Philadelphus inodorus L.) blossom of the spring, on the slope next to the front retention pond.

First Mock Orange (Philadelphus inodorus L.) blossom of the spring, on the slope next to the front retention pond.
- Jean admiring blooms on Chicasaw plum (Prunus angustifolia) named “Spring”.
- Flower bud on climbing rose (Rosa sp.) behind meetinghouse.
- Anole on fence behind rose plant.
- First Mock Orange (Philadelphus inodorus L.) blossom of the spring, on the slope next to the front retention pond.
- First Mock Orange (Philadelphus inodorus L.) blossom of the spring, on the slope next to the front retention pond.
- Dogwood (Cornus florida) in back of meetinghouse.
- Nesting place for solitary bees, placed on dead tree trunk by the entrance to the parking lot.