- Flowers and leaves from a Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum) which I cut down recently.
- Chickens in Mary’s community garden.
- Unknown beetle seen on the trail near the old worship in nature area.
- Mary Dewey leads a group after meeting to view here community garden.
- Students from New Garden Friends School after meeting.
- Students from New Garden Friends School
- Remains of our large snapping turtle, possibly killed for its meat.
- Firstday students enjoying the stream after a rain.
- A turtle shell being inspected in firstday school
- A butterfly
- One of two Florida box turtles (Terrapene carolina bauri) I found in the creek near where the ditch enters.
- The third snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina osceola) we’ve seen in the creek. This is a bit bigger than the last one we saw, but much smaller than the one we’ve been seeing further upstream. This was near where the ditch runs into the creek. This is the we’ve seen which wasn’t huddled as closely into its shell as it could manage. At the end it did go and bury itself in the sand.
- Caterpiller chewing on Green Dragon (Arisaema Dracontium)
- Firstday students showing the card they made for Sybil after her knee replacment.